
Russian Baby Names: Top 80 Picks for Your Child!

Have you ever been fascinated by the Russian language? You don’t have to speak the language to recognize the depth and meaning behind the Russian names, though it is a complex language to learn. Russian baby names are steeped in culture and history. They typically have a first name, a middle or patronymic name, and a family name. In this article, we have curated a list of some popular Russian baby names for you to go through. Read on!


80 Russian baby names in the world:

There are many sources for different Russian baby names, including Christian, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia, Slavic names. Sasha, Olga, and Vladamir are some of the famous Russian names. So, before you pick a Russian baby name for your child, get to know its meaning.

Russian baby boy names:

Here is the list of the best baby boy names we have found that enjoy popularity in the Russian culture.

1. Adrik:

Adrik is a name with origins in Latin and Russian, which means dark. The alternative spellings for the name are Adrion Adrien.

2. Aleksandr:

Aleksandr is a popular name in Russia, defending men or defenders. The origin of this name is Ukrainian, Russian.

3. Anatoly:

Anatoly is a name with Russian origins which means sunrise, or from the east rising sun. Anatoli, Anatole are some variations of this name.

4. Alyosha:

Alyosha is a name that means defender of a man with Russian origins. Leo Tolstoy used this name to name one of his short stories.

5. Alexei:

Derived from Russian, the name Alexei means defender. Alternative variations of this name are Aleksei, Alexey, Alexej.

6. Arseny:

Arseny is a name that originates from Russian culture and is quite popular in the country. The meaning of this name is strong, virile.

7. Boris:

Boris is a famous Russian name because of the martyred Russian prince Saint Boris. The meaning of this name is fight or fighter.

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