Beauty and hair

What You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal has become a well known method for long term hair removal. If you have ever been curious about it, today I am here to tell you all about it.

The guide below will explain everything, from how laser hair removal works, to how painful the treatment will be for you, to the potential negatives of laser hair removal.


As someone who has gone through the process myself, I have firsthand experience. I want you to fully understand the process and what it can do for you. Let’s get into it!

Table of Contents

Permanent Hair Reduction: Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal works by sending the energy from the laser through the hairs to damage the hair follicle. The lasers are attracted to pigmentation, which is why it cannot be performed on all people.

When considering laser hair removal you need to take a look at your own skin and hair colors: People with very deep complexions or people with blonde, grey, or white hairs will not be able to have laser hair removal. Because the lasers are attracted to pigmentation if the skin is too dark or there is too little pigment in the hair the laser energy will stay on the surface of the skin rather than traveling down the hair to the follicle. This energy can burn your skin so these are not concerns to take lightly!

That being said, if you are able to have laser hair removal there are some things that you should know. While often marketed as a permanent hair removal process it actually is approved by the FDA only as a permanent hair reduction process. The only permanent hair removal process that is FDA approved is electrolysis which I will talk about in my next post on permanent hair removal. Laser is great for major reduction of hair as well as for thinning coarser hairs, but it is common to go back for touch ups every few years.

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