Hair care

The Benefits of Rice Water for Hair

Rice water has been used as a natural hair care product for hundreds of years. It’s very popular among Japanese women too and we all know how their hair shines. Rice water helps to improve the scalp’s health, stimulate hair growth, and strengthen the hair.



Rice Water for Hair

Rice water and rice bran oil, both are beneficial to hair and skin. The liquid that starts to emerge when the cereal is soaked can have many benefits for hair. Rice water has vitamins and minerals. Learn what they can do to help your hair grow healthy. Here are some key benefits of rice water for hair:

  • The so-called ‘rice milk’ is deemed a great epidermis’ ally, due to the presence of an element known as para-aminobenzoic acid, which is found in many products that protect us from the sun rays.
  • Yet another role of rice water is that it protects us from premature aging. It is said that this liquid promotes cell growth and slows tissue degradation, besides helping the blood flow.
  • The expected results are a brighter and firmer face, due to the renewal of the skin’s brightness, tonicity, and elasticity.
  • Not to mention that taking care of your skin this way is quite inexpensive, isn’t that so?
  • It collaborates with our digestion – the ‘rice milk’ is interesting as a facilitator of the intestinal function, helping the maintenance of its flora, while reducing the discomfort and swelling.
  • The liquid provides energy and nutrients that may be beneficial to the whole family, as a way to complement the diet.
  • Another function of rice water would be to lighten skin spots. Skin spots can occur for several reasons, among them acne and frequent waxing. For those cases, a homemade recipe can be helpful to solve the issue, because it is a source of kojic acid, a whitening substance found in many creams, which derives from rice.

Homemade Recipies for Natural Hair Moisturizers

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