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How to Remove Nail Polish In A Safe Way

Applying nail polish is one of the favorite hobbies of nearly all the girls. There are some addicted girls too who keep on changing the nail paints on regular basis, and also experiment different designs on them. To remove the nail paints, a common technique is by using nail polish removers. However, many of the users are unaware of the fact that the nail polish removers come with a chemical acetone that is harmful.

9 Easy Ways To Remove Nail Polish Naturally:

Here are some techniques when you think of how to remove nail polish in a safe way,


1. Using Dark Nail Paint:

This might shock you, but when you have applied nail polish that is light in color, applying dark shade on it would be helpful in removing the existing nail polish. All you need to do is apply the dark shade in thick layer and wipe it off straight away using cotton.

2. Use Toothpaste:

Thinking how to remove nail polish naturally using toothpaste! Simply apply a good portion of white toothpaste on the nails and scrub it using an old toothbrush. The white toothpaste would lift and remove the nail paint from your nails.

3. Body Spray:

When your mind is thinking on how to remove nail paint then instantly body spray would be the best option. Just sprinkle some spray by keeping a safe distance from the nail paints and wipe the spray from the nails quickly using cotton.

4. Some Hair Sprays:

Similar to the body sprays are used as the best way to remove nail polish. Simply spritz some hair spray on the nails and rub it gently using a cotton ball. Be quick in wiping the spray as it may dry your nails and peel it off too.

5. Lemon Juice and Vinegar Mix:

Thinking what to use to remove nail polish naturally! Lemon juice and vinegar is the perfect answer to your query. Simply take 1tbsp of fresh lemon juice and mix it with 1tbsp of white vinegar. Blend them well and soak your fingers in the mixture for 5-10 minutes. Use a cotton ball dipped in the mixture and wipe off your nails slowly with it.

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