Health & wellness

Pureed Diet Plan

What is it?


Remember the time when we used to come back from the dentist with a pulled out tooth. Remember how our mothers used to cook us molten food for quiet sometime. This is a type of pureed food. Pureed food is anything that is in a puree form. It is not any flowing liquid, nor is it considered solid. It has a paste like consistency or that of a pudding consistency specially used for patients with dental problems. Now when this is incorporated as a diet routine, the outcome is pureed diet.

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How Pureed Diet Works on Us?

This diet which was initially used for patients and people who cannot eat or chew properly. The food we consume goes through a process of disintegration before finally being smooth enough for us to swallow. Nowadays this can be used in the form of a diet. This food comes handy a lot when someone has problems in digesting solid food material. After any surgery or before one, for better digestion patients are given pureed form of food. Then there are dental problem issues. Often as a result of cancer, there might be problem in swallowing. All this is taken care of by the pureed format of food. This is also a good method to lose weight.

The Essentials Required:

Some of The Foods That are Used in The Pureed Form of Diet Are:

Any sort of cooked meal. Simple rice oiled with some ghee or maybe with some lentils for some added taste forms a part of a pureed diet. Vegetables and fruits, fresh and crispy can be used as a puree too. There are simple fruits like bananas or avocados or mangoes and oranges. And then there are fruits or vegetables like the carrot, beans or peas, potatoes, apples, pears etc which have a hard outer skin and needs to be peeled and steamed and den mashed until in a pureed form.

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