
40 Awesome Power Fist Tattoo Designs

The raised fist or the clenched fish is not just restricted to the blacks but is a universal symbol of solidarity and brotherhood. It is also used since the beginning of time as a salute to show unity, strength, rebellion, and insurgency.

The beginning of the raised fist as either a logo or gesticulation is unclear, though a clutch fist is an apparatus of conflict, as in boxing. As early as 1914, a clenched fist was named by Mother Earth journal as “symbolical of the social revolution.” A clenched right fist was employed in animation by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1917.


The clenched fist logo, which is so popular, may express union or solidarity, usually with suppressed communities. The black fist, also known as the Black Power fist is a logo commonly affiliated with Black nationalism, resistance, solidarity, and socialism. Its most generally understood practice is by the Black Panther Party, a socialist organization, in the 1960s. A black fist logo was also embraced by the northern soul music subculture. A right-hand white fist clutching a red rose is adopted by the Socialist International and some socialist or social democratic parties, such as the Socialist Party in France and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.

Meaning Of Power Fist Tattoo Designs

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The symbol that you see with a raised fist is actually very historical in its genesis. At first, it was not just limited to people who are black but to anyone who belongs to a minority group. It was a retaliation to condemn any kind of oppressive behavior or discriminatory demeanor. This fist was then just a rebuff against the unjust authority and used when protesting collectively.

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