College life

How to Tell If You’re in a One-Sided Friendship

Friendships can be oh-so tricky. They require a high level of attention and love in order to truly grow. However, some friendships can seem like you are putting in all the work. This is a one-sided friendship.

If you ever feel like you care more about your friend than they care about you, then it may be time to reevaluate why you feel this way. Keep in mind the duration of this feeling. Is it something that you have been feeling for a couple weeks or something that has been present for the duration of your friendship?


If it’s the first answer, then you might want to talk to your friend and make sure they are okay. They could be going through some issue in their life that is making them pull away. However, if this is something that has been going on for longer, then you may need to sit down with your friend and figure out if this is a one-sided friendship.

Here are a few signs to look for when figuring out whether or not your friendship is one sided:

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1. They’re only around when it’s convenient for them

Your friend texts you for the first time in weeks. You’re excited to make plans with them and they actually seem to follow through. But when it comes time for you to ask them to hang out, they’re suddenly no longer free. 

Of course, it’s normal to be busy, especially during midterms and finals season, but if this always seems to be the case, then your friend may not be as great as you thought. A good friend should make time for you if you need it and should follow up with you when they’re free.

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