
Things To Know Before Eating Crab During Pregnancy

In spite of seafood being extremely nutritious, they are advised to be avoided during pregnancy. All because of the possibility of the high content of mercury present in them. However, crab is an exception to this possibility of contamination and therefore eating crabs during pregnancy is safe and can be consumed without any fear. Just cook it properly and consume in moderation as moderation is the key to a healthy pregnancy.

Benefits of Eating Crab in Pregnancy:

1. Crabs Help in Preventing Anaemia:

Crabs have high nutritional value and thus have an optimum amount of Vitamin B12. This nutrient is needed for producing red blood cells in the body. This helps in preventing anaemia among pregnant women. Thus eating crab while pregnant is beneficial as it stimulates red blood cells in your body.


2. Crabs Contain Folate:

Along with the intake of vegetables and fruits, it is also very important to add folate to your diet. The kind of health benefits that folate offer is best for a pregnant woman. Intake of folate helps in preventing any defects in the neural tube. Folate contains vitamin B9 thus can work wonders for you during pregnancy.

3. Crabs Help In Lowering Heart Disease Related Risks:

Crabs are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are essential for fetal neurodevelopment. It is also essential at the time of birth. It helps in lowering fats in the blood and also lowers any risks related to heart diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial in preventing any risks associated with stroke.

4. Crabs Contain Magnesium:

Crabs are full of essential nutrients and one of them being magnesium. For those of you thinking can I eat crab when pregnant, your answer is a definite yes. This is one such mineral that the body cannot manufacture and thus you need to include it in your diet in abundance. It enables the normal functioning of the nerves and muscles in the body.

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