
Braided Beard – 17 Trendy Styles for Fashionable Men

Are you ready to dive into the realm of facial hairstyles? The braided beard styles are waiting for you to conquer them. If you are bold and patient enough to grow a long enough beard to make braids, you are bound to enjoy a variety of styles that come with it.

Keeping a long braid neat and beautiful is a tough job. Meanwhile, some hairstyles, such as braids, can do the trick easily. If you thought that braiding was girls’ job, think again. Even the truest machos can start braiding in order to look magnificent.



How to Braid A Beard

Since braiding might seem too far out for a guy, a short yet helpful tutorial is in order. You can make any one of the below-braided beard styles but you should start with the simplest. Let’s start with an easy French braid. Your beard doesn’t have to be too long to start braiding. As long as you can separate three strands of at least 4 inches each, you can start weaving. You don’t have to wash and dry your beard before braiding. Slightly oily beard is great for braids since it makes them stay intact longer.

  1. Take a section of the beard you want to braid. It doesn’t have to be the whole beard. Some men prefer starting with a small section. Or perhaps you can make several braids on one beard.
  2. Divide the sections into three equally sized strands.
  3. Lift the left hand (or right hand as you prefer) section over the middle one. (now the left-hand section is in the middle)
  4. Take the right (or left) section and pull it over the middle one
  5. Repeat the steps 2 and 4 until you have braided the preferable length. You don’t have to keep braiding until the hair runs out. You can create a braid only half way down. It can look just as impressive. Since the hair thins toward the end, a full-blown braid might not look fantastic.
  6. Take an elastic band and secure the braid at a point where you stopped braiding. Use beard wax to secure the hairstyle. You can use some hairspray to avoid frizziness.
  7. Voila! Your beautiful French braided beard style is ready!

Once you can create a perfect French braid, you can go on to other braiding styles, such as a fishtail braid or a four-strand braid.

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