College life

15 Life-Changing Things You Need for Online Classes

Today I’m sharing the things you need for online classes to make your life a lot easier.

Since most schools have gone online this year, most of us are going to have to adjust to doing them online rather than in a traditional classroom setting.


This may be hard for you if you are the person who focuses better in a classroom or if you are someone who always goes to the library for a quiet place to do your work.

Whether you have decided to stay home for the semester to do your classes remotely or if you have chosen to live near your college while still doing remote class, adjusting to online school can be tough.

However, this post will show you 15 of the best products that can make online classes 10x easier! Trust me, you’ve got this.

Table of Contents

Since you will be staying home and not going to a physical classroom, staying on top of things may be harder than it normally is.

For me, a magnetic dry erase weekly calendar is an essential for online classes because it helps me to take note of everything I need to do each week. Plus, it’s more eco-friendly than a paper calendar as you can easily update your schedule with the dry erase feature.

Also, this calendar is magnetic so it can fit perfectly on your fridge to remind you of what needs to be done when you’re grabbing a snack!

2. White Noise Machine

If you are living at home with your family or with roommates, or even if you live in a large building, a white noise machine is a must-have for online classes!

Unfortunately, the days of being able to go to the library are a distant memory this year. However, you can recreate that feel with a white noise machine to decrease noises around you, wherever you are.

This white noise machine is great because it is small, so you can put it anywhere in your room, in order to cancel out noises that could be coming from your roommates, family members, etc. (It’s great for getting higher quality sleep, too!)

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