Clothing and style

Neutrals: The Best Clothing Colors For Men

Building a wardrobe full of neutral colors is a great idea for any man – regardless of body type, age, skin tone or style preferences.

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This article explains why I love wearing neutral colors and why all of my wardrobe staples are in neutral colors.

Neutrals colors include black, white, any shade of grey, beige/cream and navy.

Even if you only wore these colors, you could be well-dressed and stylish every single day, no matter the occasion.

If you throw in a couple more versatile colors, such as olive and light blue, you’ve got a complete wardrobe.

Here’s the best part: if you like other, less standard colors, they will also work with this palette.

For example, if you love wearing burgundy or look great in yellow, both of those colors work well on top of a neutral wardrobe.

You don’t have to add extra colors, but it’s very easy to do so.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of wearing neutral colors.

All Your Clothes Look Good Together

With a neutral wardrobe, putting together an outfit or packing for a trip is a breeze. You can almost get dressed in the dark because everything goes together.

Here’s one example: a light grey shirt can be worn with pants that are black, charcoal, white, navy, tan or olive.

This comes in clutch during last minute packing for a vacation or business trip!

You Can Always Add Color (But you Can’t Remove It)

If you want to be more colorful, you can always add splashes of color to a neutral wardrobe. But if all your clothes are bright and colorful, it’s impossible to remove that color for a more subdued look.

Here’s what I mean…

If you’re wearing a navy suit and white dress shirt, and you want to keep things understated (say for a job interview), you can wear a black knit or grey silk tie.

But, if you’re wearing that same suit and shirt to a wedding, you can wear a gold, orange or green tie, along with a colorful pocket square and/or socks. This will add plenty of flare to the outfit with very little effort (or money).

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