College life

How to Deal with First Day Anxiety

Ahhh, the first day of school. For some of us, it’s a return to the old routine and for others, it’s a new experience, but we all feel the same anxiety of college living: Will I get along with my roommates? Will I be able to succeed academically? How will I make new friends?

Often times, the anxiety can be detrimental to your mental health, so I personally follow three tips in order to manage my nerves for college.


Related reading: 15 First Day of College Supplies You Need to Have on Hand

Table of Contents

1. Share your worries with someone who has your best interests in mind.

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s a lot more difficult than you think. I personally internalize all my problems since I hate looking weak and incapable, but that’s not a healthy habit. You’re not weak at all for wanting and needing support.

It’s important to talk to somebody that will treat you with respect and give you healthy advice. What exactly is healthy advice? Advice that will better you as a person.

While it’s always nice to have someone commiserate with you, it’s more helpful and productive when you receive positive advice and encouragement. Ultimately, you want someone to encourage you, not wallow in misery with you. I would recommend talking to a friend who shares similar anxieties and can figure out solutions with you. 

2. Make a list of things to do for the first day of college.

Most times when I’m anxious, it’s due to the unknown. My brain screams that there are a million things to do, but by not knowing specifically what, it just runs itself ragged. Having a clear game plan really helps me channel that nervous energy into productivity. Brain, don’t worry, I got this. 

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