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Top 70 Best Marble Bathroom Ideas – Luxury Stone Interiors

Marble has long been regarded as the substance of gods & emperors.

From temples to bathhouses, this sleek yet deceptively indestructible stone has not only stood the test of time, but continues to adorn the interiors of the elite to this day.


Nothing suggests the bygone grandeur of Roman spas quite like the marble bathroom, and thanks to the possibilities of today, marble as never looked and felt more in the moment.

From floor-to-ceiling models to elegantly isolated touches here and there, marble is a material that seamlessly adapts to the tastes of the gentleman appointing it. Whether you’re looking to implement a marble bathtub or countertop in Carrara or Calacatta, or otherwise go full scale, you’ll never have to worry about overdoing it where marble is concerned.

In the realm of marble, less may be more but more is most definitely better! A mixture of marble tile and concrete lend an industrial air to the otherwise old fashioned bathroom, while black and white tiling keeps things on the nouveau vintage side. Sprawling or scaled down, these top 70 best marble bathroom ideas never outstay their welcome.

Our bathrooms are our personal pampering stations, a retreat from the stressful and unsightly. While many treat such potential luxuries as a forgettable means to an end-a chore, really-others see the true beauty and value in treating such a sacred space like the temple it is.

And with the magnificence of marble, you can tend to your toilette like a king.

See more about Best Bathroom Ideas



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