
170+ Spooky Halloween Tattoos Ideas With Pics (2022)

The reason Halloween tattoos are so popular is that the festival gives creative freedom to the person. You can literally dress like a donkey on Halloween and people will liken it to Eeyore. You won’t find the demand for Christmas-themed tattoos or thanksgiving themed tattoos but Halloween-themed tattoos are in demand throughout the year.

Whether you are thinking of getting a permanent Halloween tattoo or even a temporary design to celebrate this year’s Halloween, we have got you covered. Here we have picked   160+ Halloween tattoo designs that will pay compliment to your perfect Halloween costume.


Before you dig deeper into the Halloween tattoo mania let us tell a little about the true meaning and spirit of Halloween tattoos. You might be surprised to know that Halloween tattoo art is not a new trend. In fact, the origin of Halloween tattoos is almost 200 years old.

People used to dress up as scarecrows and Victorian-era ghosts during the early 1900s Halloween. However, this trend soon changed with the popularity of pin-up girls in Hollywood. Soon, Halloween became a festival to showcase ripped physique and give a sexy take on almost every costume.

During the era of Sailor Jerry tattoos, it became a common staple to ink your body with your Halloween costumes. It gave a more realistic look to the whole character.

Table of Contents

Halloween Themed Tattoos

Halloween Tattoo Ideas

Traditional Halloween Tattoos

Simple Halloween Tattoo Ideas

Scary Halloween Tattoos

Cute Halloween tattoos

Spooky Halloween Tattoos

Horror Themed Tattoos

Halloween Tattoo Drawings

Small Halloween Tattoos

Creepy Tattoo Designs

Cute Spooky Designs

Scary Sleeve Tattoos


Halloween is celebrated once a year but your tattoo will be permanent all your life. So pick the best tattoo design for yourself or otherwise you will regret and hide the tattoo for rest of your life. You can discuss with your friends and family members before getting the perfect Halloween tattoo for yourself.

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