Health & wellness

15 Easy Home Remedies And Tips To Avoid Snoring While Sleeping

Are people around you complaining about your habit of loud snoring at night? Snoring is one condition that can affect the quality of your sleep as well. Snorers are more prone to getting heart attacks! It is best to find out and adhere to some safe and simple home remedies to stop snoring.

Table Of Content

  • What Is Snoring
  • Causes Of Snoring
  • Home Remedies For Snoring
  • Tips To Avoid Loud Snoring
  • Tips To Avoid Snoring In Children
  • Risk Factors
  • When To Consult Doctor
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Snoring?

Snoring occurs due to the narrowing of the airway and vibration in the walls of the throat. Almost all people snore, but it is a chronic problem only for some and can be a symptom of a serious health problem. There are several reasons why a person snores. Let us learn more about snoring and how to address it with tips to avoid snoring while sleeping.


What Causes Snoring:

Several factors influence snoring; here are some tips to avoid snoring while sleeping:

1. Anatomy Of Mouth:

It is important as to whether one has a low, thick soft palate as it can narrow the airway. Overweight people may have extra tissues at the back of their throats, which may narrow their airways. Similarly, if the uvula is elongated, there can be obstruction of airflow and an increase in vibration.

2. Consumption Of Alcohol:

This can bring on snoring as alcohol tends to relax the throat muscles and decreases the natural defenses against airway obstruction.

3. Stress:

Many people ask, can stress cause snoring? Stress may cause sleep problems, and having anxiety further exacerbates the issue. The increased muscle tension puts stress on the jaw joints and forces the tongue back, narrowing the airway. This results in snoring and sleep disruption.

4. Smoking:

The membranes in the nose and throat get irritated with smoking. This, in turn, blocks the airways and causes snoring.

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