Style & tattoo ideas

100 Manly Tattoos For Men – Masculine Ink Design Ideas

For a tattoo to be considered manly, it has to exude massive amounts of inscrutably masculine flair. To boast leverage over the entire inked culture, here are some gallantly masculine elements that should be included:

To achieve natural confidence in your next inking endeavor, you should aim for tattoos that deliver bona fide manliness.


With a sagely combination of imagery, your gentlemanly credentials will be fearlessly unmatched. The rugged characteristics of a manly tattoo may seem undefined at first, but they can be executed with aristocratic ease by applying the right mentality.

First off, the topic is less important that the ink’s ability to magnify your muscular contour. Tribal designs nail this task seamlessly, especially on the pecs and biceps. Secondly, manly tattoos need to be totally unabashed. This means there shall be zero second-guessing. Brazen braggadocio is necessary to back up any imprint you choose.

Third, any chosen subject matter must be unquestionably macho. This means the icons being presented must connect to red-blooded mindsets everywhere. Clever options include high-tech machinery, brutish warriors, exotic pinup models and fierce animals.

Finally, remember that over-the-top inscriptions will inevitably backfire. With manly tattoos, try to show instead of tell! Speaking of which, let us show you some of the most virile designs ever conceived.

1. Forearm Manly Tattoos

2. Arm Manly Tattoos

3. Elbow Manly Tattoos

4. Bicep Manly Tattoos

5. Sleeve Manly Tattoos

6. Chest Manly Tattoos

7. Back Manly Tattoos

8. Rib Manly Tattoos

9. Kneecap Manly Tattoos

10. Leg Manly Tattoos

11. Calf Manly Tattoos

12. Shoulder Manly Tattoos

13. Shin Manly Tattoos

14. Foot Manly Tattoos

15. Hand Manly Tattoos

16. Neck Manly Tattoos

17. Skull Tattoos

18. More Tattoo Ideas


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