Tattoo ideas

What To Do When Your Tattoo Itches – Scratchy Aftercare

Itching is a common problem during a tattoo healing process. It can go on for weeks, and the irritating part is that the area should not be scratched.

It does not affect everyone who gets inked though, and can be mitigated during other stages of the tattoo healing and aftercare process.


Does that mean having an itchy tattoo means you have done something wrong? No. However, there is some itchiness that is not normal.

If there are lumps around or on the inked site, this is a danger sign. The same goes if you have itchy, red bumps.

They signify an infection, and you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Why do tattoos itch?

After the area is inked, it is going to be an open wound. For the first week, it should have formed a scab which is shed over time. Basically, this is dead skin, and it is during this time itching starts. The causes of itching include

a) Tickly peeling skin

This is the main reason for the horrid itchiness. The skin that is peeling partially comes from an area that is already sensitive. The loose skin rubs and tickles on other areas as it moves around.

b) Regrowth of the shaved hairs

Prior to tattooing, the site will be shaved to prevent the needle from getting caught in the hair; this can be pretty painful. The shaving also prevents the hair from being pushed into the skin because this can result in localized infection due to ingrown hairs. If this happens, the hair will push out the ink as it makes its way on the surface, and the site will heal in patches.

c) Allergic reactions

Some people react to the ink used in the tattooing process. However, most of the reactions are mild and they resolve after several days. The reactions can cause skin irritation which is why the area will be itchy. It can be severe or mild.

Red ink is the main cause of the itchiness. There are metals used in its production which are not in the other colors.

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