Health & wellness

9 Best Lower Back Fat Exercises – Works Effectively

Lower back fats are the bulging muscles on the lower back caused due to unhealthy food habits, lack of exercises, stress and improper sleep. Very frequently, simple diet changes can help get rid of lower back fat, but the deposits that have been there for a long time are tough to get rid off without proper back muscle toning workouts.


An everyday 30-minute exercise focusing the lower back only is essential to get the body back in shape. Additional methods include proper sleeping habits, diet changes and inclusion of protein and fibre in the diet.

Most Effective Lower Back Fat Exercises:

Here we enlisted 9 simple and best lower back fat exercises at home. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Leg Lifts – Lying Position, Using an Exercise Ball:

This exercise tones the lower fat muscles and also strengthens it. Another added advantage is that it tones the thigh and calf muscles and makes them appear strong and firm.

How To Do:

  • Lie on a soft mat with hands by the side and legs joined and stretched out on the exercise ball.
  • Make sure the knees are straight.
  • Now take a deep breath in, put the legs flat on the ball, moving it closer and lift your buttocks high.
  • Beginners can use hands for support.
  • Hold in position for 5 seconds, then breathe out and get back to position.
  • Doing these lower back fat workouts 15-20 times on a regular basis is advisable.

2. The Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana:

The Cobra Pose popularly known as bhujangasana is one of the famous techniques to reduce lower back fat and strengthen the back. It is also an excellent way to cure any kind of lower back pain one might be facing. This needs to be done at a slow pace for effective results and to save the body from cramps.

How To Do:

  • Lie down flat on your tummy with palm flat on the floor near the shoulder.
  • The toes should be pointed at the wall behind you.
  • Inhale deeply and lift your upper body with the downward pressure on the palm till you feel slight stretches on the lower back.
  • Hold the position for 7-10 seconds.
  • Exhale and slowly get back to position.
  • Doing these best exercises for lower back fat 15-20 times a day will help maintain a strong and fit lower back.

Read: Workouts To Lose Saddlebags Fat

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