
Looks from Books: Fashion Inspired by The Jungle Books

Welcome to the latest edition of Looks from Books, which aims to prove that you can look smart, while still being book-smart, too. Fashion inspiration can be found between the pages of your favorite stories, on well-designed book covers, and in your favorite characters… if you read closely enough.

After the positive feedback on the looks inspired by Peter Pan, I decided to once again approach some classic British literature typically ascribed to children’s bookshelves. For a glance at some wild style, that’s perfect for all of your summer adventures, look no further than Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Books!


The Jungle Books book cover via Amazon

Table of Contents

Inside Cover

The Jungle Books are a collection of short stories set in the jungles of India, written by Rudyard Kipling, and published in 1894.

Having spent significant time outside of England – being born in Bombay, and returning there as a young man to work in conjunction with the military – Kipling drew on his knowledge of India andits deep-forested jungles to craft his enthralling children’s stories.

Kipling was inspired by the wildlife of India, as well as the people he met when he lived and worked in the country as an assistant editor for a military gazette. By the time the inspiration for The Jungle Books struck him (shortly after his daughter Josephine was born, back home in England) he had more than enough material to build up the moralistic and educational world of Mowgli.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907, and remains, to this day, the youngest person to ever claim the prize. He was also offered the British Poet Laureate position, as well as knighthood, and yet, he turned down both honors, saying he would work better without them.

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