Tattoos with meaning

What Does Ice Cream Tattoo Mean?

Ice Cream, the delicious, frozen, sweet dessert treat that has been part of life dating back so long it is nearly impossible to credit an inventor or time period for it’s discovery. During the times of Alexander the Great, king of the ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedon and member of the Argead dynasty, was a big fan of the frozen delicacy. Alexander the Great was known to take snow and ice, flavor it with honey and nectar, then enjoy the balls of ice as if it were a snow cone. This simple idea throughout the world and in different time periods all had one thing in mind. A sweet, frozen treat usually mixed with assorted fruits to enjoy on hot days, usually served to royalty since snow wasn’t easily accessed to everyone, scavengers were forced to go to the snowy mountain tops to bring back the main ingredient. Over time however, this popular frozen snack has evolved immensely. It was not until the 18th century that the recipe for Ice Cream was published in London, England. This was when ice cream began taking the form of a creamy frozen foam usually filled with fruits such as strawberries. Quaker Colonist then brought ice cream over to America where the recipe really started to be experimented with. Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson were known to be avid connoisseurs of this frozen cream. This quick build up then took over the United States and everyone was able to go to their local ice cream shop to enjoy this dessert.

Ice Cream Designs

When thinking of ice cream, how do you imagine it being served? What is the ice cream sitting upon? Is it served in a bowl on top of a platter with a silver spoon sticking out? Or the classic cone? Is that cone pointed at the end, rounded off? What’s the cone made from? Waffle cone, sugar cone, or a wafer cone? Maybe you even want to take it old school and turn that ice cream into a 1950’s style milkshake. Most importantly, what kind of ice cream is it? These are all the questions you need to ask yourself and consider when deciding on your ice cream tattoo. Swirls of cream dripping down the side of a pointed cone, giving off that fresh soft serve straight out a machine on a hot summer day vibe is one example. A couple scoops resting on top of each other sitting inside on a cone is another great graphic that many have gotten. When looking at first glance of this design, people automatically recognize it as ice cream. Rounded tops perhaps with sprinkles scattered across gives it away, throw a cherry at the peak for decoration. Not all ice cream has to be served in a cone however, banana splits and ice cream sundaes for example could not even be held inside of a cone. The ‘Ice Cream Sundae’ is usually served in a clear glass bowl with a wafer of your choice, with typically three mounds of ice cream with a hot fudge and caramel sauce splashed on top. Peanuts, cherries, and sprinkles are usually scattered around and within the ice cream for added flavor. Ice Cream tattoos are typically done with bright and vibrant colors, after all, who wants to eat a black and white ice cream?

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