
How To Survive In The Woods – On Surviving Alone With Nothing


5. Protecting yourself from wild animals


While in general animals are more afraid of you than you are of them, there are a few potential hazards you need to be aware of.

In a wooded environment, snakes are one of the biggest potential threats. To prevent bites, avoid tall grasses and dark places. Always be cautious when sticking your hand into a hole, between rocks, or inside of a hollow log- these are some of their favorite hiding spots.

If bitten, wash the wound immediately with water and soap to remove as much of the venom as possible. If you are in an isolated area with no chance of finding help, remain as still as possible.

Rapid breathing or walking will only increase circulation and thus the spread of venom. Keep the bitten area below the heart, and loosely tie a bandage 2-4 inches above the bite. This prevents the venom from spreading too quickly. Just make sure to not tie it tight enough to completely cut off circulation.

Whatever you do, do not attempt to suck out the venom with your mouth. The mucous membranes of the mouth are very porous and can help expedite the spread. Also, never cut out the flesh from around the wound. It’s often difficult to know exactly where the venom was injected, and open wounds encourage infection.

Bears are another animal that isn’t typically interested in humans, but will attack if provoked. Avoid attacks by making noise as you walk so you don’t surprise a bear, and cook at least 100 yards from your shelter. If you come across one, don’t scream, run, or make eye contact- those are all behaviors bears can perceive as threats.

If attacked, lay on the ground, protecting your neck and head, and play dead. Most bears will leave you alone once they’re sure you’re no longer a threat.


6. Signaling for help

The most common method of signaling for help is creating a signal fire. This can be done by first creating a normal fire, with a foundation of tinder and kindling, with firewood piled on top.

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