
How To Survive In The Woods – On Surviving Alone With Nothing

Find yourself embroiled in the classic battle of Man vs. Wild? Here is your complete guide on how to survive in the woods while lost with absolutely nothing.

With these tested tips and tricks, you’re sure to survive a stint lost in the woods, and emerge manlier than ever!


1. Find Water

While humans can go up to 3 weeks without food, they can only survive for about 3 days without water. The body is made up of 60% water, and it is used for several functions including blood circulation, body temperature regulation, and helping you to keep your wits about you, which is especially important in any survival situation.

Thus, finding water should be your first priority once you realize you’re lost.

Start by looking for existing water sources like streams, springs, rivers, and lakes. Streams and springs are preferable because their movement means the water is less likely to contain bacteria.

Rivers are often polluted, and lakes and other stagnant bodies of water would be your last resort.

If you can’t immediately spot an existing water source, there are a few tricks to help you find one. First, stop walking and be still, and listen for the sound of running water. If that doesn’t work, look for animal tracks and follow them, as they almost always lead to water.

Still no luck? Head to a lower elevation if possible. Water naturally flows downhill, so you’re more likely to find a stream in a valley or canyon than in a flat, level area.

While it can be slow, collecting rainwater is a great method to obtain drinking water. Set out any containers you may have, or tie a tarp or poncho (some kind of plastic) between trees and let the water collect. You can also collect dew from plants by sopping it up with a cloth and then wringing it out.

Finally, try digging a well. Wherever there’s green vegetation, you’re likely to have groundwater seeping in after a few feet.

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