Health & wellness

What is Breast Engorgement and How Can you Treat it at Home?

It is pretty normal and natural for your body to make the breast bigger during the second and fifth day of giving birth. Breasts become heavy, sore and also start to produce huge quantities of milk. The extra quantity is sometimes because of the extra blood and lymph fluids in the breast tissue. However, this feeling of fullness will vanish within the three weeks of delivery thus giving you a breast engorgement pain relief. Your breast now will feel soft and you will feel comfortable even when the supply is plenty.

Engorgement also makes it difficult when having to feed babies. Babies will be unable to grip over the hard areola. This can lead to pain on your nipples and also lower the supply of milk. However, never think twice to visit your doctor if your pain becomes unbearable and you start to have a fever.


Causes Of Breast Engorgement?

Not feeding the baby could be one reason. Typically you have to empty out the breasts and get off with the milk within the few days of the birth of your child. So, it really does not matter how less produce. If you don’t get it emptied, you are more likely prone to breast engorgement. However, even those who have emptied the breast sac suffer from engorgement. Sometimes your milk ducts can be hindered. Ducts typically get hindered when you wear a tight bra.

Symptoms Of Breast Engorgement:

Here are some signs and symptoms of breast engorgement that you need to watch out for.

  • You will have hard breasts. This means they become more firm that gives you the feeling that even with the slightest touch, you may eject milk.
  • Swollen breasts are another thing to watch out for. While it may be common for your breasts to become big after your delivery, sometimes the breasts become too big and thus unmanageable. If they don’t come back to their normal position after feeding, sniff engorgement.
  • When milk builds up, the nipples will get flattened and the areola becomes hard too. This might make it difficult for the baby to feed on the mother’s milk.

Home Remedies For Breast Engorgement:

Engorged breast remedies are listed below. Breast engorgement treatment can now be done at your home with the easily available ingredients that you may have at home. Take a look at some of them.

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