Health & wellness

Yellow Teeth: 20 Best Home Remedies for Teeth Discoloration

Are you worried about your yellow teeth? Worry not as there are more ways to get back your pearly whites. The teeth discoloration reasons are many and occur due to several reasons. Though oral hygiene could be one of the main reasons that affect the appearance of your teeth, yet there are factors like diet, health conditions, genetics, and advancing age that also play a vital role. Sometimes the colour change in the teeth is very subtle as you age. The enamel tends to wear out, and the dentin below becomes visible. Luckily, it is not necessary to visit your dentist or rely on chemicals, as there are easy home remedies for whitening the yellow teeth that will have them all sparkly and bright in no time!


Reasons for Yellow Teeth:

A. Smoking:

Several factors can cause discoloured teeth, and nicotine is one reason where teeth can get discoloured over time. Smoking makes your teeth yellow. Smoking can result in the enamel of the teeth to stain. Once you begin smoking, it does not take long before your teeth have a yellowish appearance to it.(1)

B. Coffee/Tea:

There is nothing like starting a day with coffee or tea, but not many are aware of what it does to your teeth. Coffee/Tea leaves a stain on your teeth because it contains an ingredient called tannins.(2) It is a type of polyphenol that is found in wine and tea too. Tannins tend to stick to your teeth and leave a yellow stain behind.

C. Excess Sugar:

Sugar is one of the reasons for yellow teeth making sweets one of the main culprits. Sweets damage and stain teeth. Sugar residue on teeth invites bacteria and becomes food for it in our mouth. These end in the darkening or yellowing of teeth. They also end up causing cavities in our teeth.

D. Vitamin Deficiency:

Periodontitis is a condition where there is inflammation of the tissue around the teeth, and this often results in shrinkage of gums and loosening of teeth. Vitamin C deficiency may end up worsening periodontitis, where there is a buildup of bacteria on the gums and teeth. This buildup leads to discolouration of teeth. It is believed that topping up on vitamin C can reduce discolouration, but more research is needed on this.(3)

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