
How Often Should You Work Out At The Gym – Exercise And Recovery Truths

This is how powerlifters train to build strength. They may only do a few repetitions per set with extremely heavy weight.



6. New Gains

If you are a new lifter, you will experience extremely high gains in the first few months of lifting. These gains are from your body getting adapted to lifting weights for the first time. You should not expect to continue gaining both muscle and strength at this rate throughout your entire lifting career.

There are ways that you can maximize gains even more during this time. Your diet and sleep are critical to building muscle. If you have a poor diet, it is going to be difficult for your body to recover optimally.


7. Sleep

One of the most overlooked aspects of building a great body is sleep.

Most guys want to spend all of their time and energy in the gym lifting weights. However, lifting heavy in the gym is just one aspect of building a great physique. Some people like to think of lifting weights as digging a hole. The recovery aspect is filling the hole back in.


8. Recovery

Without a proper recovery program, you run the risk of getting burned out both mentally and physically.

Sleep is one of the most important elements of an exercise program to optimize. If you are not accustomed to following a lifting routine, you may notice that you are more tired in the first few weeks. This is perfectly normal, and you should listen to your body when it comes to sleep.

Some guys think that sleeping many hours per night is for people who are not tough. However, sleep is essential to optimizing any workout plan.


9. Tips for Better Sleep

If you have trouble sleeping every night, there are several things that you can do in order to improve your sleep.

First of all, it is critical to start turning off electronic devices several hours before you go to sleep. A lot of people spend time looking at their phone or computer right before bed. This is sending a signal to your body that you are staying awake.

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