
10 Best Bicep Exercises for Men

If you’re looking to bulk up and build some drool-worthy biceps, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re looking to work it out in the gym or get some reps in at home, this list has various workouts to pick and choose from when working towards your dream arms.

Large bicep muscles are a true testament to a well-seasoned workout and can do wonders for your personal appearance. It can really pay off to incorporate some bicep workouts into your regular routine if you’re looking to add some well-earned girth to your upper body.


Many people don’t know that working to add some muscle mass to your biceps can be a bit of a challenge. However, don’t let that stop you! Though it may be hard, it is not impossible, as long as you zero in on target exercises and put some strict commitment to your workout goals. Before we dive into the bicep workouts you’ll need to master to tone your physique, let’s learn more about this muscle group.

Breaking Down Your Biceps

Let’s begin with some Bicep Muscles 101. Your biceps (known in Latin as biceps brachii, meaning “two-headed muscle of the arm’) are a large group of tendons found on the front-facing section of your upper arm. This muscle comprises two tendons, attached to the scapula bone in the shoulder and the radius bone found at the elbow. These tendons are often referred to as the “short head” and “long head,” combining to make up the single bicep muscle.

Your bicep is designed to both rotate your forearm and flex your elbow, allowing you to accomplish lifting and pulling movements. They are one of the most powerful muscles in your upper arm, supporting and stabilizing other muscles as you accomplish daily tasks. The biceps are also the only muscle group in the collection of muscles that make up your upper arm that pass through two joints, both the shoulder and elbow.

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