BeautyHair care

15 Best Clinics For Hair Transplant In Mumbai

Hair transplantation is a method by which the lost hair is restored by a method of surgery. In this method, hair from the ‘donor site’ (an area where the growth of hair is better than the affected area) and is planted in the bald or balding area. This method is used to not only restore hair on the scalp but also on other parts of the body such as the eye brows, pubic hair, eyelashes, chest hair, beard hair and to fill in scars that were caused due to accidents or surgery. The two ways in which the donor hair can be harvested are follicular unit extraction (FUE) and strip extraction.


The procedure of hair transplantation is not as complicated and difficult as it sounds. The four steps which aids in the completion of the hair transplantation are as follow –

• Pr-operative Assessment And Planning:

This is the first and probably one of the most important phases of hair transplantation. It is so because in this step the patient needs to consult doctor who will analyze the scalp and suggest the methods that can be opted for hair transplantation. In this method, the patient also needs to follow a strict routine provided by the doctor which includes non-consumption of alcohol, avoidance of some medicines which might affect the grafting.

• Surgery:

The hair can be harvested in various methods but regardless of the method being followed, the hair follicles first need to be properly extracted and treated depending on various factors. There are two ways which are followed in the extraction of donor grafts – follicular unit extraction or FUE and strip extraction.

• Strip Harvesting:

This is the most commonly used technique for removing hair and follicles from a donor site.

• Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

In follicular unit extraction, the individual follicular units which contain 1 to 4 hair follicles are removed under local anaesthesia for grafting.

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