
Green Tea During Pregnancy – To Drink Or Avoid?

Are you a green tea lover and willing to start a family? Then the biggest question that will be probably haunting. You is can pregnant women drink green tea and what is the safe quantity for consumption? Green tea which is considered as a highly healthy drink otherwise may not be safe during pregnancy? Read here to know the benefits and side effects of drinking green tea. As well as the safe quantity of consuming green tea per day.

Is it safe to have green tea during pregnancy?

Is it good to drink green tea in pregnancy? During pregnancy, most of the women are so much confused about drinking green tea. But the right answer is yes. It is safe for pregnant women to drink green tea during pregnancy provided it is in moderation. During the pregnancy, the first trimester precisely the baby’s neural tube is growing and for its proper growth folic acid is vital.


On the other hand, drinking a tremendously large quantity of green tea can stop your body from proper absorption of folic acid. Folic acid is an important nutrient, mostly in the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. One small research recommends that babies can increase neural tube defects, for example, spina bifida caused by the lack of folic acid, plus in a condition where the mothers drink much green tea about the instance of conception. So if it’s not possible for you to avoid green tea altogether have a mug or else two maximum each day.

It’s secure to drink equal to 200 mg of caffeine throughout pregnancy that is equal to one 8-12-ounce cup of coffee (depending on the variety) or four 8-ounce cups of green or black tea each day.

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Benefits of drinking green tea during pregnancy:

  1. Green tea increases the chances of getting pregnant as it contains fertility boosting properties such as Vitamin C, antioxidants and various other minerals.
  2. Green tea aids in regulating blood pressure and thereby preventing the serious condition called preeclampsia.
  3. Being a powerful source of antioxidants, it aids in fighting diseases like cancer, heart disease, blood pressure etc.
  4. It aids in controlling the mood swings.
  5. Green tea helps in dealing with indigestion and constipation – a common complaint during pregnancy.
  6. Green tea enhances bone health and makes the bones strong.
  7. Research has shown that Green tea slows down the growth of cancerous cells.

Risks of green tea during pregnancy:

Green tea has a lot of benefits provided it is drunk in a prescribed quantity. The following are the Green tea side effects during pregnancy which should be known before consuming the same:

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