DietHealth & wellness

7 Day GM Diet Plan, Benefits and Risks of the GM Diet Chart.

The GM or General Motors diet plan is famous for claiming to help you lose 15 to 17 lbs weight in seven days. The employees of General Motors tried this diet and lost a lot of weight in just a week, making the fad popular. However, losing weight so quickly is not safe, as per new studies, and there is no scientific evidence to prove the efficiency of the GM diet. Therefore before you jump the horses, go through this article to learn everything about the GM diet plan and how you can follow it efficiently to get results.

What is GM Diet?

The GM diet is a seven-day diet plan that aids in quick weight loss—created by General Motors in 1985 to help weight loss in its employees. On different days, the employees of the General Motors company consumed low-calorie food groups. As a result, the employees lost up to 17lbs by the end of the first week. The triggering point for the weight loss is the employee’s consumption of low-calorie food groups.


Is 7 Day GM Diet Effective for Weight Loss?

A very low-calorie diet can be effective if you want to lose weight quickly. However, although the 7-day GM diet plan for weight loss is effective, it is tough to follow and might not be safe in the long run. But here are some of the factors which are believed to play a role in making the GM diet efficient in helping you lose weight:

It is low in calories: Calculating the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you burn plays an important role in weight loss. Your body shifts to a negative energy balance when you consume fewer calories, making you lose weight.

1. Boosts Metabolism:

The GM diet chart plan is believed to keep your body in a fat-burning mode by boosting your metabolism. However, there is no scientific proof backing the claim.

2. Provides Good Detox:

Staying hydrated and consuming healthy food helps you flush toxins from your body.

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