Health & wellness

How to do Sahaja Yoga and its Benefits

Sahaja Yoga is an easy meditation procedure that helps you to connect with yourself. Even though we are all spiritual, we all need to know ways in which we can take our spiritual lives to a new level. And this can be done with Sahaja.


Sahaja Yoga and its Benefits:

Choosing A Quiet Place or Time:

To practice any kind of Yoga, you need to practice in a quiet place that is free from any noise or clutter. The best time to practice Sahaja Yoga is early morning. Since this is all about self realization, it would be impossible for you to do it somewhere you shall meet several kinds of distractions. To avoid problems such as these, it would be best to do it somewhere close to nature. Make sure the time of practice is the same for every single day. Don’t change timings.

[Read: Benefits of Office Yoga]

Learning How to Connect:

Learning how to connect with the world around you and trying to seek spiritual energy is very important for those who would like to practice Sahaja Yoga. The first thing you need to understand before you practice this is that there is some spiritual energy which exists in all of us and it loves it dearly just like our guardian or mother loves us. When you try to connect to this inner soul or this energy inside you, you will be asking her for the opportunity to develop a strong bond that will exclusively exist between the two of you.

Make Yourself Comfortable:

The next thing you need to do is make yourself comfortable. By this we mean that you should not wear any heavy or tight outfit that will stop your chances of breathing better. Make sure you are not wearing your shoes or slippers. All you will need is a mat and the beautiful presence of nature. Be seated and make yourself comfortable. Prepare yourself to stay focused and calm. If you are someone who gets restless often, spend some time in silence and contemplation and then slowly prepare yourself for the meditation. You can also sit on a chair if you like.

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