College life

4 Ways to Make Your Summer Book Club Unforgettable

Book clubs are an amazing way to bond with your friends over the summer and take advantage of your free time by reading something fun! Here at CF, we’re all about starting your own book club with friends, and this series shows you how.

My last post on celebrity book clubs gave you suggestions on book clubs to emulate when starting your own club and this week I’ve come with a few tips to make your club extra fun and as unforgettable as the characters you’re reading about!


Read on for some fun book club ideas to make your club an amazing experience for your friends:

Table of Contents

1. Alternate the responsibility of picking the book & creating discussion questions for the group.

I know that this idea might not sound fun because it sounds eerily similar to a homework assignment for school, but tasking one person with creating the discussion questions can actually be a great jumping off point for getting the conversation going. Some books even come with suggested discussion questions at the back of the book and there’s no reason you need to require that you get through every single question. 

The beauty of this being your book club is that you get to decide your rules! So experiment with what works best for you and your friends and go from there!

2. Pick a theme for your books and stick to it all summer!

Do you and your pals love murder mysteries? Rom-coms? Historical fiction? Whatever your passion, picking a theme can be a great way to add continuity to your club and provides even more opportunity to spice things up by turning every book discussion into a mini party. Bonus points if you can come up with a cute or punny name for your book club!

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