Hair care

Fluocinonide and Hair Loss: Things You Should Know

Hair loss can be frustrating, but it can be even more frustrating when accompanied by another medical condition, like an autoimmune disease.

However, today, there are medications, like fluocinonide for hair loss, in the market that specifically act to reverse the effects of autoimmune disorders. When used consistently over time, fluocinonide can stop or even reverse hair loss associated with autoimmune disorders.



What Is Fluocinonide Used For?

Fluocinonide is a common, strong topical cream used to treat skin conditions. These conditions include eczema, rash, and allergies. Doctors also prescribe fluocinonide to prevent hair loss in anyone suffering from this condition due to autoimmune disorders, like alopecia or lupus.

Fluocinonide is in the strong corticosteroid category. Corticosteroids work to mimic naturally-occurring hormones in the body. However, when introduced into the body in extreme amounts, corticosteroids can suppress one’s immune system. Suppressing the immune system helps the body fight certain autoimmune disorders where cells attack the body.

Alopecia is one of those autoimmune conditions. Alopecia is a medical condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss. Alopecia typically happens in patches (alopecia areata), making it less noticeable to others. However, in extreme cases, those patches can start to appear next to each other, making the hair loss much more noticeable and bothersome.

Lupus is another autoimmune disorder that can cause hair loss. Lupus can affect several parts of the body, including the face and scalp. When lupus causes inflammation on the scalp, it can create issues for hair ranging from thinning out to falling out in clumps. Lupus can also cause breakage around the hairline, causing hair to become fragile and break off.

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