Hair care

5 Types of Hair Treatments: Know What Your Hair Needs

If you’ve never gone beyond a simple haircut, you may be wondering what else happens at a hair salon. You can get many different salon hair treatments, and if you’re unfamiliar with what they do, it can be hard to figure out what to ask stylists.

Maybe you have a specific hair problem and are wondering if there’s a fix. Maybe you just want to try something new.


If you’re curious about what the many types of hair treatment services available can do for your hair, then you’re in the right place.


Types of Hair Damage

Before we go over different types of hair treatments, we will explain different types of hair damage.

Split Ends

Split ends are the most common type of hair damage there is. It happens when the hair strand begins to split into two (or more) branches. The result is dull, lifeless, and frizzy hair.

Anything from excessive styling, diet, or even the fabric on your shirt can cause split ends, so it can be hard to nail down an exact cause. The many opportunities are also why they’re so common.

Even before you start a salon treatment, you can start fighting split ends yourself. If you notice split ends, now’s the time to be gentle with your hair. Brush it gently and less frequently, and maybe start a deep conditioning routine.


Damage from Over-Styling

Even if you don’t get excessive chemical treatments, heat your hair, or use products, you can still damage your hair from over-styling.

Combing and brushing your hair too frequently and roughly, pulling it back tightly all day long, using lots of clips and fasteners can all weaken your hair. Being gentle and laying off the tight hairdos will help, but as we go over, salon treatments will help you more.


Chemical Damage or Over-Processing

Chemical damage or over-processed hair leads to dry, frizzy, easily broken hair. This damage can happen from many dye treatments, overly done keratin, Japanese straightening, perms, etc.

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