
Amazing Benefits of Eating Mustard During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time where you may experience sudden hunger pangs, at any point in time. We are sure you have your own set of diet chart worked out for you. You may be careful about what to include and what you shouldn’t. On the same line, if you are debating is it safe to eat mustard during pregnancy, here is what you should know before including it in your diet. Out quick word? Eating mustard during pregnancy is safe and also offers a host of other health benefits to both, the mother and the baby.

What is Mustard?

Black mustard is a plant. The seeds of the plant and even the oil, made from pressing the seeds are used in Indian cooking. They are very tiny balls, sometimes red or black. It is also famously known as sarson. The black mustard is aromatic when cooked and the leaves of the plant are enriched with phytonutrients and flavonoids that make it an essential healthy choice.


Benefits of Mustard During Pregnancy:

Mustard is a common kitchen ingredient that is used in several delicacies in form of mustard seeds, leaves or sauce. If you are thinking is mustard safe during pregnancy, the answer is yes. When consumed in moderation, mustard also provides a host of health benefits for the expectant mother as well as her growing fetus. Some of the benefits of eating mustard seeds during pregnancy are:

1. Enhances Immunity:

Eating mustard enhances the functioning of the immune system. Mustard is a rich source of important minerals such as copper, manganese, and iron, all of which protect the body against hazardous ailments and infections.It contains Sulphur that will fight the antifungal and antibacterial properties. Besides, it also fights any skin infection during pregnancy.

2. Controls Asthma:

Mustard has anti-inflammatory properties that will prevent asthma and severe cold infections. It has the potential to clear any chest congestion.

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