
First Trimester Diet: Foods to Eat & Avoid in Pregnancy Week 1-12

The very thought of becoming a parent and giving birth to a new life can take you through the roller coaster of emotions. It’s a series of mix emotions ranging from joy to excitement to nervousness and anxiety. It is a physical challenge and hence vital that you pay proper attention to your health and well-being as well as the nutrition that your intake throughout the pregnancy. You may have to bring changes in your eating habits as there are certain foods that you need to avoid while others which you need to include in your daily intake to ensure proper growth of the baby. In this article, we have provided a complete guide on the first-trimester diet, which can prove very useful during pregnancy.


15 Best Foods to Eat in First Trimester of Pregnancy Diet:

Here are the foods that should be eaten during the first trimester of pregnancy.

1. Spinach:

Best food for pregnancy first trimester is spinach. Spinach is extremely rich in folic acid and iron. This folic acid is helpful in allowing your baby’s neural tube to fuse in the first month after you conceive properly. The high amount of iron will help you fight with an anaemic condition which many of the women face during their pregnancy. Spinach can be incorporated in the diet by various means like eating it raw, putting a handful in scrambled eggs in your breakfast, eat it regularly in your salad.

2. Lentils and whole grains:

Protein is an important part of the diet as it helps in the growth and maintenance of the body. It especially aids in the development of your baby’s tissue and muscles and growth of the placenta. Lentils during Pregnancy can be easily included in your diet by making soup from it which is very healthy or if you have cravings for some tasty spicy food you can use lentils in your burger with the addition of spinach. Other whole grains such as wheat, rice, barley, oats, millet, corn should be included in the diet during the 1st trimester.

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