Men's style

Men’s Festive Season Style Tips

Surviving The Festive Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly… or so we’re told. Now we don’t want to sound too much like Scrooge, but we’re not entirely sure how truthful that age-old phrase is. Because if the way men tend to dress during the festive season is anything to go by, then we may be criminally low in the whole ‘jolly’ department over the next month or so.

It’s probably just a case of the winter blues – us sartorially-inclined men are too busy dreaming of the long forgotten days of summer when there was no need for shapeless bulky layers, heavy accessories and Wellington boots.


But it isn’t just the summer months that get to have all the fun. Oh no. Because December 1st signifies the start of the festive season (in our eyes), and it’s more than appropriate to let your style reflect this by adding a touch of flair and creativity to your cold-weather looks. Combined with an increased focus on layering, you could argue that there’s even more room for experimentation compared to when it’s warmer.

We’re not saying you need to start dressing up like old Saint Nick or some kind of human Christmas tree, tinsel and all. Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication, remember? Instead, why not subtly hint at the season’s joyous nature by using a few of the methods outlined below, spreading some cheer and good will to all men in the best way possible – the sartorial way!

Festive Season Style Tips
1. Seasonal Fabrics

We’ve gone over this in detail in our essential autumn/winter fabric series, but it’s something that’s worth being reminded of.

Wearing materials that are practical and reflect the changing conditions subconsciously shows you are a man who dresses with intelligence and understands the importance of seasonal garments.

And the easiest way to incorporate winter-appropriate fabrics into your look is to take inspiration from your childhood. Thick wool jumpers, heavy duffle coats, chunky knitted scarves/beanies, practical boots and ridged corduroy trousers were probably your worst nightmare when you were younger.

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