
8 Best Fergie Without Makeup

The black eyed peas saw a new dawn of hope with the newest addition to their family, Stacy Ferguson, an all American young heart with luscious blond locks and a kicking physique trying to take over the world with her singing. Soon enough Ferguson came to be known as Fergie her popular stage name and within no time, this woman had spread her wings, partaking in song writing, hosting and acting alongside her singing.From the very beginning, Fergie had been considered a fashion icon with her ever so trendy styles and till today she is ruling the world. However, stars have always awed us under professional makeup and it comes to us to deduce whether these pretty ladies are actually all that glitters underneath the makeup layers.

Beautiful Pictures of Fergie Without Makeup:

Let see the pictures of Fergie without makeup which will amaze you.


1. Pretty As Ever:

Fergie has forever been admired for her looks and the way she carries herself. In this picture, a classic comparison has been made amongst the two pictures, one portraying Fergie with makeup while the other one shows us a Fergie with a minimal makeup maybe just her eyes and the liner. Either way we can make out Fergie is quite beautiful even without cakes of makeup beautifying her.

2. Getting Her Freak On:

Fergie has always been a fitness freak and saying no better than that, here is a picture of Fergie out on her morning run where she paired her Freak tee with a cap and looked stunning without having any makeup done to her face.

3. Flawlessness:

Here we have a picture of the Ferguson posing for one of her social media posts and beside that is yet another picture clicked on one of the red carpets where the flawless Fergie posed with makeup. The picture on the left shows the clear skinned rosy Fergie looking stunning in her au natural aura. Her hair was tied back in a back brush with the rest of them freely falling.

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