College life

3 Lessons on Positivity from the Movie Elf

Whew. The sight of all this huffing and panting must mean that the semester is eventually coming to an end and it’s a cause for celebration. I don’t know about you, but the past few months have been quite a marathon for me and it’s about time we finish that last sprint to the finish.

Being in an intense environment of continuous concentration can make us feel negative. And it’s different for everyone: Stress and negativity can result from picking up extra shifts at work, managing group projects, being active in student organizations, or all of the above. However, soon we can sit back and let out a sigh of relief.


Whether you’re already on your way to starting Winter Break or simply preparing for those weeks of relaxation, it’s time to move those gray clouds away and replace them with blue skies that are about to shine.

Let’s not be “cotton headed ninny muggins” and share some positive vibes instead. Here are three tricks on spreading positivity, as told by Elf.

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Elf (2003) Smiling’s My Favorite (HD)

Whether it’s been a rough few weeks or a pleasantly smooth ride, we never truly know what our peers are going through. A smile, although may seem like a tiny gesture, can ultimately make others feel more connected and improve their mood.

Several studies have even shown that the simple act of smiling can positively change our health and wellbeing. According to Very Well

“Smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three neurotransmitters make us feel good from head to toe.”

So what are you waiting for? Smile at someone today.

2. Get excited about everything.

Although the holidays are approaching, there is still a dreary atmosphere that surrounds the busy streets of New York City. Buddy, upon finding his biological father, discovers that he also has a stepmother and a half-brother. Instead of becoming upset with this new information, he tries to enjoy every moment with his family.

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