College life

Blogging 101: How to Start Your Own Personal Style Blog

Over the last few months, we’ve been interviewing some of the most fabulous girls in the blogging community for our Blogger Inspiration series. We’ve learned about their styles, as well as who they are and what they do, but so far, we haven’t looked at what it takes to be a style blogger yourself.

Judging from your comments, many of you have already started your own style blogs, or have at least considered it. And for good reason – fashion blogging is growing so fast, and for the first time ever, bloggers are being noticed and taken seriously in the fashion industry. There’s truly never been a better time to blog about your style.


Whether you already have a style blog or are considering starting one, this guide will teach you the basics of fashion blogging. Of course, there is no right or wrong way to blog – this guide is designed to give you a rundown of the fundamentals, and the best tips we’ve gathered from our fashion blogger friends. We hope you find it helpful and informative!

Table of Contents

4 Reasons You Should Start a Style Blog

Blogging looks great on a resume.

Blogging can give you a head start if you want to work in certain industries (fashion, journalism, marketing, media, etc.) – it not only gives you relevant experience in your field, but it’s also just a great way to show you can commit to something and follow through. With the growth of blogging in the fashion community, a style blog can give your resume a little boost above the rest.

It’s a great way to document your style.

Blogging your outfits on a regular basis is a fantastic way to develop your style and get a feel for what looks good on you. It also forces you to make more of an effort – knowing you have to photograph your outfit a few times a week will encourage you to really look at everything you own and make new combinations. Your blog can also act as a personal style journal that you can look back through when you can’t remember which shoes you wore with that dress.

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