
Why Grombre Hair Color Is So Much More Than an Instagram Trend

What is Grombre? Well, I didn’t know what it is, either. But then, it became the tagline for one of the biggest transitions in my life. A transition that was met with both opposition and fantastic support. This transition? The journey of going silver.

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What Is Grombre Hair?

Grombre (‘gray’+’ombre’) is the way of letting your dyed hair gradually grow out and transition into the natural silver hair. It is the opportunity to find confidence and show your true colors, forgetting about the “necessity” of hiding what is natural and actually beautiful. Grombre allows women to feel authentic and beautiful in their skin, going naturally gray with grace and self-acceptance.

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I saw my first silver hair at around the age of 19 (I prefer to say silver instead of gray). It was then that I started dyeing my hair. That would continue for the next 30 years. Of course, because my silver was increasing as the years passed, the frequency of my dye jobs was increasing, too.

By the time I was in my mid 30s, I was basically 80% silver and I was needing to cover my skunk stripe in the center of my head every 2 weeks. So, in my mid 40s, I decided I wanted to stop coloring my hair. Unfortunately, there were many immediately around me that were naysayers. I also consulted many hairdressers, and they rejected helping me with a plan for transition. It took two years before my transition actually started.

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Grombre Movement and Instagram Community

I spent that time scouring Instagram, looking for people who had silver hair. It was then that I came upon the term “grombre.” I would see the term hashtagged in many posts of beautiful silver-haired women. But, I soon discovered, it wasn’t just a term to describe the transition to silver/gray/white hair. It was a COMMUNITY!

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