Tattoos with meaning

What Does EKG Tattoo Mean?

Though it’s not very popular right now, the EKG tattoo is an excellent tat to get for a variety of reasons. Believe it or not, there are quite a few EKG tattoo meanings that you can choose from and plenty of ways that you can have them designed. On this page we will go over all of the information that you will need on the EKG tattoo and every EKG tattoo meaning that you can use if you do decide to get one.

An EKG (electrocardiogram) or heartbeat tattoo is a symbol of a heart beat, a life line, the reminder to live life to the fullest. There are other ways to show that you want to live your life the best way that you can through a tattoo, but this might just be the best way for some people. It looks like a simple little design, but when people compute what they little design actually is it usually hits them pretty hard.


The EKG line is a horizontal line of sharp peaks and “V”s that represents the reading of a heart beat on a heart monitor. The ups and downs of the heart beat line are the waves that are caused by the electrical activity of a beating heart.

The waves are a representation of life and the pumping of blood through veins that charges the body, anybody, in everything that it does. Some get their EKG tattoos to show that they recognize the importance of everything that goes on in their bodies and they will do anything to keep it healthy. This is a good meaning to use if you take your health seriously and you never want to get to the point where you forget that it is your temple.

When this tattoo design is received, a literal EKG can be rendered from the image taken from a heart monitor. The line of waves is often printed out to help track the beats of the heart and may be imitated into a tattoo. While you can get an EKG tattoo designed any way that you want to, in most cases people opt to get a realistic looking EKG to show that there is an important EKG tattoo meaning attached to it.

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