Tattoos with meaning

What Does Deathly Hallows Tattoo Mean?

Even though it’s been years since the Harry Potter film series ended, there are still plenty of people who are interested in the long list of tattoo designs that spawned from those films. A lot of those designs are known as Deathly Hallows tattoos. On this page we are going to take a look at some of the many designs you can choose from as well as some of the meanings that are attached to those Deathly Hallows tattoos.

About Deathly Hallows

The Deathly Hallows is the final chapter in the incredibly popular fantasy series Harry Potter created by J.K. Rowling. Unsurprisingly, the book is insanely popular like the rest of the series and die-hard fans like just about everything in those stories. The Deathly Hallows symbol happens to be one of the most popular Harry Potter tattoos around because he held so much meaning in the story. It also happens to hold plenty of meanings to real people living everyday lives.


The seventh novel of the Harry Potter series details the closing of the wizarding trio’s schooling at Hogwarts along with the final adventure that eliminates the threat of Voldemort, the ultimate antagonist of the series. This was what everyone who read those stories and watched those movies waited to see, so the Deathly Hallows has been extremely popular for years now because of the way those storylines resonated with fans.

The Deathly Hallows themselves are three magical objects that were alleged to be created by the personification of death. The three objects, the elder wand, the cloak of invisibility, and the resurrection stone, are placed together to create the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. It is a simple design, yet there are multiple deep meanings that come with every Deathly Hallows tattoo.

Deathly Hallow Tattoo Meaning

The Deathly Hallows sign is very simply composed of a triangle in which a perfect circle sits. A line is drawn through the center of the circle and triangle, splitting the symbol. The triangle represents the cloak, the circle the stone, and the line the wand. If you didn’t know that you were looking at the Deathly Hallows sign, you might think that it was actually a very simple all-seeing eye with a vertical line drawn through it.

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