Tattoos with meaning

What Does Crane Tattoo Mean?

Animals are fantastic subjects for tattoos because there are an array of different animals that symbolize different traits and characteristics. Most of us have a favorite animal or feel we connect with something. A spirit animal if you will. The key is to find the one that represents the characteristics that you value. It can be how they act in the wild, their symbolism or even what they look like. There is always some kind of connection out there.

On the other hand, people don’t always get tattoos for the connection with the animal. They might just like how it looks or want to embody some of the traits that animal symbolizes or holds. For more aggressive people, they might like what a lion or a shark symbolizes or its attacking nature. Some might also like the look of some furry and cuddly animals. They might just think they are cute and want to see them tattooed on their body. This is why getting a tattoo of your favorite animal is such a cool thing. When done the right way, you get to see your favorite animal in whatever style you like for the rest of your life.


In this case we are going to be talking about the crane tattoo. We will talk about the crane, so you get an idea of some of the natural characteristics of this beautiful bird. We will also get into the symbolism of the crane what it means to those people that are rocking a crane tattoo. This elegant bird is the subject of many variations of tattoo. These variations might represent different meanings or just for looks but we’ll talk about a few of those. We hope you feel more informed about the crane tattoo meaning by the end of the post.

About the Crane

The crane is a bird that looks like a close relative to the stork or heron, however, they aren’t related. The crane is split into 15 species and four genres in total. You can find the crane in all continents except for Antarctica and South America.

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