Tattoos with meaning

What Does Special Forces Tattoo Mean?

The special forces consist of those who are in the military doing special operations. These are unconventional operations that are carried out by members of the special forces that use unconventional methods and resources. Those that are in the special forces are known to be very low profile, that aims to obtain large advantages of speed, surprise, and violent actions that are to be brought upon the target. The special forces must adapt to any change of environment and weather. These men and women are said to be the biggest badasses of the military world. They are chosen to complete some of the toughest jobs. These special force members include those of the NAVY Seals and the Green Beret. Some of their jobs include Force recon, and the Coast Guard’s maritime security patrol. This adds on to the more covert reconnaissance and guerilla tactics, targeted strikes to the military’s arsenal. The jobs of the special forces include five primary tasks and missions. These missions included unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and counter terrorism. Under these categories, are jobs designed especially for the special forces. Combat search and rescue, counter-narcotics, hostage rescue, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian demining, information operations, psychological operations, man hunts, and peacekeeping are some of the high level special force jobs.

The special forces tattoo can be a number of different designs. Due to some members of the special forces being in the department of espionage, and other undercover type of jobs, a tattoo of a seal trident for example would not be a very wise decision to get tattooed if you are still in active duty. Although there are people in the special forces that may have a lot of tattoos, unit identifying tattoos are very discouraged and frowned upon. A unit identifying tattoo can quickly be spotted, if you are on an undercover job, you will be completely exposed and more than likely taken as prisoner or killed. The younger generations have been known to get a tattoo pertaining to their special force, they are then immediately scolded by the older generations and told to get the tattoo removed or covered up as well as possible. Tattoos in the military have been spreading more than ever and certain laws have been eased up on when it comes to having tattoos and being in one of the United States military branches.

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