Tattoos with meaning

What Does Ladybug Tattoo Mean?

Growing up, most bugs were pretty scary or gross to us as kids. We would see one flying at us or crawling our direction and we would go the other way. However, there are a few insects that give us the opposite feeling. One of these insects is the ladybug. The adorable little red beetles are well known for being loved by kids and adults alike. There are a lot of folktales associated with the ladybug and some of these stories make the ladybug about as well liked as an insect can be.

People are fans of the ladybug and so much so, they are willing to get a ladybug tattoo. The ladybug tattoo has a great deal of significance and meaning to those that get this tattoo. Not only is it a beetle that flies around but it is an insect that symbolizes traits and characteristics that some of us hope to attain.


In this post we will talk about the ladybug and some interesting facts surrounding this beetle. We will also go over the meaning of the ladybug tattoo and what it represents for those having this image tattooed on their body. There are also some different variations of the ladybug tattoo that have significance, so we will discuss those as well. By the end of this post, you should have a pretty good idea about what it means to have the ladybug tattoo.

About the Ladybug

To start, ladybugs are actually beetles. True “bugs” are part of the order, Hemiptera and these include bugs like aphids, cicadas and bed bugs to name a few. On the other hand, ladybugs are part of the Coleoptera beetle order. Because of this, many entomologists call them Coccinellids or “lady beetles”.

Another fun fact is that the ladybug is named after the Virgin Mary. There are male ladybugs as well, so some might wonder why we give them this name. Well, the reason is that they’re named after the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary was known for her seven sorrows and one of the most common ladybugs in Europe has seven spots. The connection is right there and that’s where the name was created.

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