Health & wellness

How To Use Cinnamon For Diabetes?

Researches and detailed studies all over the world have established a deep-rooted connection between diabetes and cinnamon. Where diabetes is a dreadful disease, cinnamon is one of the most effective natural cures for this disease.

One only has to ascertain the method and the quantity of this natural form of medicine. Before we delve into the details of using cinnamon, let us individually understand our problem –Diabetes and its solution- Cinnamon.


What is Diabetes?

A lot has been researched about diabetes and there are detailed scientific definitions about it, however, in simple language, it is a disease wherein, either the insulin levels get disturbed with the pancreas producing insufficient quantities or there is no response of the cells to the existing insulin. The blood sugar levels either increase or decrease hampering the regular metabolism of the body. There are two types of diabetes type 1 and type 2. This disease does not have a permanent cure however there are several natural remedies to keep it in control.

See More: Is Coconut Water Good For Diabetics

What is Cinnamon?

It is a spice that is prepared from the dried extracts of the inner layers of the bark of Cinnamomum trees that originated from Sri Lanka. This spice is used to add a distinct flavour to both sweet dishes as well as savoury foods. It also has medicinal values as it is proven to give respite in several disorders and diseases like diabetes.

Connection Between Diabetes And Cinnamon:

Cinnamon has been found to be one of the perfect cures for diabetes as it stimulates the cell receptors, which then responds more promptly to the insulin. This is made possible by activating certain enzymes that propel the cells to respond. Basically consumption of cinnamon brings down the level of blood sugar thus keeps a tab on diabetes. Cinnamon also contains polyphenols that are strong antioxidants so the use of cinnamon ensures prevention of the formation of free radicals that trouble diabetic people.

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