Health & wellness

How Does Stress Cause Weight Loss?

Stress is a highly unwelcome scenario in our lives. But there really is no running away from it. There is not one individual on earth who is not burdened with stress. Often it is so much that a person forgets what a good night’s sleep is all about. This can be harmful and very detrimental to our daily routine and mental health. Often the scenarios lead to over eating as a response to avoid thinking about the issues that cause the stress. It can also be the opposite and make you lose your appetite all together. So what is the relation between these two things? To know more lets delve deeper.


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Can Stress Cause Weight Loss?

Stress is one of the primary reasons for weight gain in lot of people. However, there is another end of spectrum to it. A lot of people suffer from lack of appetite due to stress and anxiety. When your brain sends signal of stress and anxiety, the body increases its fuel consumption, resulting in faster depletion of energy. This attempt to produce more energy results in faster burning of fat cells. More output with less intake of food can result in rapid weight loss.

What Causes Stress-Related Weight Loss?

There are many factors behind weight loss due to stress. Check out the top reasons as to why people tend to lose weight faster when stressed out.

1. Anxiety Causes Weight Loss:

While losing weight in any way is great, it should not be at the cost of your health. It is seen that some people who live with anxiety symptoms tend to lose weight faster that those without it. This is because the anxiety levels never let them remain inactive. Anxiety and stress go hand in hand and co exists everywhere.

2. Lack of Appetite:

You will be disinterested in food all together. You’ll start feeling fuller than usual and eat lesser and lesser. So while you are unconsciously starving yourself towards weight loss it also eats away your muscle and slows down your metabolism greatly over time.

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