Health & wellness

Does Chewing Gum Help You In Weight Loss?

Who doesn’t have a memory of chewing gum in their childhood? A pack of gum is a must-have for many of us during adolescence. As fun as it can be, did you ever imagine you can use chewing gum for weight loss? Yes, this simple habit, along with healthy eating habits and proper exercise, can effectively reach your goal weight (1).

A simple way you lose weight by chewing gum is by replacing calorie-loaded snacks with gum to satisfy your hunger pangs. Go through this article for more exciting details without wasting a minute.



  • How Does Chewing Gum Help for Weight Loss
  • Benefits of Chewing Gum for Weight Loss
  • Best Chewing Gum for Weight Loss
  • Excessive Consumption and Effect on Your Health
  • FAQ

How Does Chewing Gum Help for Weight Loss:

Chewing gum is one of the easiest ways to resist the temptation of eating unnecessarily. If you pop open a chewing gum and munch on it when you have a craving for some junk or while you are out on a walk, it helps avoid extra calories, avoiding unwanted weight gain (2). Here are some ways you can work out a chewing gum into your daily routine.

  • You can chew gum in between your meals if you urge to eat a snack (3).
  • Pop a chewing gum when you are at a party or in a movie theater.
  • You can use a gum when you are cooking since you might nibble on cooking unknowingly.
  • Place a pack of chewing gum in your purse so that you don’t fall for those high-calorie snacks.

Benefits of Chewing Gum for Weight Loss:

  • Chewing gum helps you eat fewer calories.
  • Chewing gum helps lose face fat since your jaw is working up all those muscles.
  • Compared to the people who don’t chew gum, those who munch on a gum burn more calories.
  • It helps your craving for snacks, up to 40 percent, by reducing your appetite (4).
  • You can lose up to 10 pounds a year by just making some lifestyle changes like taking the stairs along with chewing gum.
  • The most significant benefit of chewing gum is that by substituting a bag of chips with gum, you can lose up to two pounds a year.

See More: Easy Home Remedies to Reduce Weight

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