Discover Your Celebrity Personality Type!
Celebrities: you know ’em, you love ’em, but have you ever wondered what they’re really like? Sure, they all seem funny, charming, and magnetic, but just like real people, celebs are deeper than they appear. Perhaps you’re more like your favorite starlet than you think, but how can you tell?
Well, there’s always the 16 Personalities Test, a personality test so accurate it’ll blow your mind. (If you’ve ever heard ESTJ, INFP, etc. – this is what we’re talking about.) You can take the test for free here.
Go on. I’ll wait.
Done already? Sweet! Now it’s time to find out which celebrity’s personality type most closely mirrors yours.
Note: There’s debate about which celebrities represent which personality types — after all, most haven’t shared official test results with the world, not to mention that celebs have differing public and private personas. So in a totally unscientific manner, we applied the categorizations we saw most often online. Disagree with a celeb’s type? Tell us in the comments.
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If You’re an ESTJ, You’re Like….
Emma Watson!
Emma is known for being a dedicated women’s rights advocate, and her tireless work ethic and leadership skills are a great help to that cause. You, too, are no-nonsense, tough, and willing to work hard to accomplish great achievements.