College life

5 Feel-Good, Positive Instagram Accounts to Follow

It’s pretty well documented that social media is a double-edged sword, connecting us to others and making it easier to share about previously taboo subjects like mental health, racism, sexism, and sexuality; but it also disrupts our sleep patterns, makes us more anxious and depressed, and has completely changed the way we approach experiences and public spaces.

Personally, my relationship with Instagram and social media in general is precarious at best. I try to put the phone down before bed, I do my best not to scroll during work, I want to only follow accounts that make me feel good and validated and that don’t make me feel less-than. And yet. And yet. One of my coworkers pointed out that I followed nearly 1000 accounts a few months back, and I’ve been on a constant purge cycle.


I have a pretty basic litmus test for whether an account stays:

  1. DO I KNOW WHO THEY ARE. Like if I don’t immediately recognize them, they’re out, y’all. Stop following people you don’t know, why??
  2. Are they selling you a buncha crap? That you don’t want? Support local artists and makers and brands you love, y’all, but don’t follow people who are trying to part you with your hard-earned money or sell you an unobtainable ~*~lifestyle~*~. And
  3. Does It Spark Joy?

The last one is the biggest sticking point for me. If an account doesn’t make me smile or laugh or gasp with awe and wonderment or fulfill some kind of tasty emotional need, why are you giving it your eyeballs and your time? Stop that. STOP IT.

That being said, I definitely think your Insta could use a little more fun and joy. Here are five fun, funny, uplifting, and/or positive Instagram accounts that I think everyone should follow:

Table of Contents

Shrimp Teeth

Some Instagrammers are really out here doing the Universe’s good work, and no one is doing quite like Shrimp Teeth.

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